Whenever we have visitors to Torberry, the Alitex head quarters near Petersfield, part of the “tour”, includes a peek into the design office and a chat with the team about the design processes used at Alitex. Recently a professional garden design group visited and were very interested in this aspect of the Alitex greenhouse process.
As a company we are interested and committed to minimising waste and ensuring our targets for total waste elimination are met. From a design point of view there is an element of control here but as Mark Mawhinney (Alitex designer) says “Controlling material waste (principally aluminium) has cost efficiency implications which are obviously beneficial for our customers – but for designers here at Alitex, we continually balance any efficiencies with a determination not to undermine any structure – otherwise it’s a wasted efficiency!” As Jason Deacon (Alitex designer) adds…“we are always checking that our vision fits with the customers requirements”.
With nine Alitex designers coming from a variety of specialised fields it is good practise to share ideas and contribute to each others projects. There is a great deal of discussion about particular challenges and shared problem solving – in an open plan office, contribution is welcomed. Our three dimensional design system shares the details throughout the whole design and manufacturing process at Alitex, providing production efficiencies. The company wide belief in “one service”, regardless of the project size ensures that at Alitex, we enjoy the best of all possible worlds (and experience). The image shows Fiona coaching our new design apprentice Elliot.
The computer aided design systems used in Alitex – Solidworks, allow the team to see how something will work before it is made. The structural integrity of a project can be tested and proved initially using the systems we employ. You can even go inside your virtual structure! However nothing can replace a customer visit, be it here at Torberry, Chelsea Flower Show, Hampton Court or in a past customer’s garden, to help visualise what you can expect from your own greenhouse or conservatory. All of these “look and see”, opportunities are designed to increase our accuracy in fulfilling your vision of your own project.
For more information or your own tour, come along to our next open morning on November 9th or call us on 01730 826900.