Alitex Installer re-glazing greenhouse



Even things that last a lifetime need a little TLC from time to time. From a thorough clean to a few new accessories to maximise your growing potential, our Customer Service Team are here to help.

Think of us as your maintenance team, dedicated to ensuring that your greenhouse remains as beautiful today as it was on the day it arrived in your garden. If you wish to add some accessories, have your greenhouse cleaned or require some maintenance and updating, please contact Customer Services by filling in our enquiry form or call 01730 826900.

Add new accessories

People often say you should live in something before you really know how you are going to use it and we believe that to be true of an Alitex greenhouse.

You may find that after a season of growing, a few new accessories are needed to help you achieve your full growing potential. It is never too late to purchase some additions, whether it’s extra benching, strawberry boards and cold frames to maximise growing potential or shading, lighting and heating to help you through the seasons. Our Accessories shop is the perfect place to browse our range of greenhouse fittings.

Cleaning service

The most important greenhouse maintenance is keeping it clean and tidy. Ideally anything newly introduced into your greenhouse should be clean, and if possible, sterilised – certainly where soil or compost are concerned. Find out more about our Clean & Care package here, you can even obtain a quote.

Re-glazing your Alitex Greenhouse

We are continuously developing our product, so for those greenhouse built before 1996 you may choose to opt for a re-glaze. We swapped putty, which can dry and crack causing leaks, for a foam inseal. We also switched from 3mm horticultural glass to 4mm toughened safety glass.

A re-glaze entails thoroughly cleaning out the old putty before either refitting your existing glass or if you’ve chosen to upgrade to toughened glass, we will fit the new panes at this point.

Servicing & Repairs

We hope that your greenhouse requires minimal servicing, but as with many things, the parts that get most used may need replacing at some point. We stock a full range of spare parts which we can provide instructions for you to fit yourself.

  • The plastic capping we used many years ago has now been replaced completely with aluminium, which we can happily update by retrofitting to your greenhouse.
  • If your original Alitex greenhouse did not have cresting, we can pay you a visit to take a look at updating it – a classic feature on Victorian greenhouses.
  • We have also evolved our doors so that they are entirely made from aluminium and have long since dispensed with fibreglass doors.
  • Should you move house, or decide to re-design your garden, we offer the option for us to quote to take down your structure and put it up in it’s new home – meaning you can take your greenhouse with you if you move.
  • Other frequently requested replacement items include bayliss pistons, reservoir pumps and glazing clips.