lean-to greenhouse

Bespoke Projects

Lean-to Greenhouses

Lean-to greenhouses are ideal for those who wish to enhance walled gardens, create a feature out of a wall or are limited on garden space. A key benefit of the wall is its ability to absorb the heat of the sun throughout the day, and once the sun goes down and temperatures drop, it acts as a heat sink releasing heat into the greenhouse helping maintain even temperatures.

Our lean-to aluminium greenhouses can be designed and built using either our traditional or messenger glazing system and you can choose mono-pitch, ¾ span or full-span options depending on wall height, and either 30 or 45-degree roof pitch. They can be simple or more elaborate in design with feature lobbies, and potting sheds to the rear for the serious gardener.

Large three quarter span greenhouse with cold frames in a colourful garden
Mono Pitch Chalkhill blue


A monopitch lean-to greenhouse is a single-sloped roof from ridge to eaves and utilises the full capacity of the wall it attaches to.

Full Span Downland Stone

Full Span

With a wall of at least 1.8m, a full-span lean-to greenhouse can create beautiful symmetry with each roof slope projecting at 45 degrees. This greenhouse utilises the available space and looks similar to a freestanding greenhouse attached to the wall.

34 span wood sage

Three Quarter Span

A ¾ span lean-to Victorian greenhouse is a perfect solution for a rear wall that is not high enough for a monopitch structure. Perfectly demonstrated in this sketch!

Considerations for a lean-to greenhouse

Typically, a lean-to greenhouse benefits from being positioned against a high south-facing wall to provide the optimum growing conditions. The wall acts as a heater and allows a greater range of plants to be grown, and the higher the wall, the larger the area for fruit trees or vines. Your wall height will dictate the final greenhouse style, with a monopitch requiring the highest walls, up to 4 metres, and a full span the lowest height of approximately 2 metres. Whether you have an older existing wall or are contemplating building a new wall to attach your greenhouse to, there are some key things to consider.

Structural integrity and accuracy of building work

To allow the greenhouse to sit against the wall, it needs to be of a suitable height and structurally sound condition to support the lean-to. Surveys will be needed for an old existing wall to ensure its strength and safety, and adequate calculations will have to be made when planning to build a new wall – both of which we can support you with. Where a historically listed wall is being used, we can make a frame that sits in front so the greenhouse becomes self-supporting.

You will also need to attach a double-skin dwarf wall for the greenhouse to be constructed on. Due to the engineering precision of aluminium, there is very little tolerance in our structures therefore the base itself requires an equally exacting build quality. You can read more on our building works page.

Planning permission and building consents needed for a lean-to greenhouse

Both of these are very likely, please check our planning section….

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