Pulling from a variety of sources, including our customers, we share with you recommendations for successful growing under glass during June.
- Sun scorch can be a problem this month (when the rain finally blows away!) – make sure you are using your blinds to their full.
- Regular ventilation now becomes essential – open all ventilators and the door as required to keep the temperature down.
- Ventilation during the morning and evening should be carried out on warm days and it may be necessary to open a ventilator on warm nights. Automatic ventilation is a great aid, especially if you take long holidays and there is nobody to look after the greenhouse when you are away.
- Check watering requirements daily. Some plants may need water twice a day. Feed at regular intervals.
- You must damp down the greenhouse regularly by spraying the floor and staging in the morning or early afternoon. Apart from moistening the air and cooling the greenhouse there is the added benefit of discouraging red spider mite which can be a menace at this time of the year.
- Plants destined for the garden are moved out this month – make sure that the danger of frost has gone before putting out half hardy plants and also make sure that greenhouse-gown specimens have had a period of hardening off before the move in to the garden. Some greenhouse plants, particularly citrus, can be moved into the garden during the June to early October period, this improves their health and gives you more space under glass. (Our citrus plant lecture was very useful on this).
- Clean up as you move more and more of your plants out to the garden. Do no leave dirty pots, discarded plants or dead leaves lying about.
- You should be training your melons and cucumbers now in an unheated greenhouse and pinching out side shoots in tomato plants. Chillies, aubergines and salad should be growing well now but keep up regular plant checks for pests.
Happy Gardening!
Our next Open Morning is Saturday 14th June, if you fancy coming along to chat to the team and see our greenhouses and conservatories, please call us on 01730 826900.