Cambo Walled Garden is considered to be one of the finest in Scotland. The garden is run, not just as a world class visitor attraction, but also as a centre of education through Cambo Heritage Trust. The Trust was formed to provide learning, training and volunteering opportunities in environment, heritage, arts, culture and horticulture at Cambo Estate.
National Trust Collection
Project Overview
When Cambo Country Estate and Garden searched for the ideal glasshouse company, Alitex were deemed the only company able to replicate the original four structures. We were able to represent their Victorian characteristics, as well as satisfying all funders that the finished lean-to glasshouses would look like the original ones while being easy to maintain. Alitex worked on all aspects of the project; including design, base building, manufacturing and installing the glass and aluminium structure.
Cambo have chosen to use the four glasshouses for individual requirements, one as a peach house, a ‘sensory’ display house and the last two to be split each in half to create four separate growing spaces backed with a potting shed for additional storage.